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Please get as familiar as you can with the content! ​
Of course you can watch the original 2001 film, but the musical is different from the film, and the musical is what we're doing!
So be SURE to familiarize yourself with the MUSICAL!  There is a great recording that was professionally shot by MTV that is linked below. 
As you watch, please refer to these productions in terms of understanding the storyline and the character's personalities and objectives (but we are not asking you to copy other actor's performances).

​​​The soundtrack is on Youtube too... linked below. You'll want that to play on repeat. :)


Some characters need to possess certain skills or attributes. Please check out the character breakdowns HERE. ​
Please get as familiar as you can with the show before starting this step!

Once you're super familiar with the story and the show, you can start to think about which characters you identify with, which you think you're right for, and which characters would challenge you at this stage in your training!  Please prepare 2 or 3 different characters so we can see some range!

As  a reminder, HERE IS A LINK to all the different characters in the show, their descriptions, vocal ranges, and special abilities!



  •  Be familiar with the style of the show and make clear choices. 

  • Auditions are competitive and roles are limited.  Knowledge of the music and the show is required. Show us what role you deserve.  It's always obvious to us who is prepared and it makes a huge impression.  Practice over and over - practice in front of your parents and siblings!  Ask them for feedback.

  • We prefer you to be memorized. If you never have to look down at your lines, it will make a much better impression! Being off-book frees up your hands to express yourself, and your face and eyes so we can connect to you emotionally (instead of us watching you look at a paper). 

  • Regardless of whether or not you are memorized, print your sides and lyrics, and bring them with you.  Do NOT read them off a phone.

  • Do some character research!  Watch videos of other performers and decide what it is you like about their performance, or don't like, and WHY.  Were you bored because they just stood there and sang with their hands by their sides?  Were you entertained because they acted out the lyrics well and had great facial expressions?  Did you like the way they voiced the character?  Did they choose things to do physically that helped tell the story?   Did they have an interesting emotional arc?  How was their energy?  What can YOU do to make some memorable choices about your song and scene? 

  • If you do work with a vocal coach or acting coach on your audition, that is totally fine.  But we ask that during the rehearsal process, you honor the direction, tastes and creative choices of your director, producer and musical director rather than any private coaches. 

  • Plan what you'll wear and how you'll style your hair on your audition day. Try to match the persona of your character. It really helps!  This does not mean you should come in full costume (a suggestion of the character is the more professional route!). You'll want to wear shoes you can move in, because we might ask you to dance a little bit.  

  •  MOST IMPORTANTLY.... Please don't feel too nervous! We are rooting for you! We are not expecting a perfect, finished product from you. It's only the beginning of the production process, and it's our job to direct you to make you even better. But we DO want to see you give it all you've got!



Please prepare 2 to 3 of the song selections below.


*Please refer to the Broadway soundtrack on Youtube, posted above. Sheet music can be found here if you want to use it. 


*You will likely be singing this a capella (without accompaniment). 


*Do bring a copy of your sheet music or lyrics into the room, but we would really like you to be memorized!  


* We do sometimes change the key of the song for the right actor, but we would like you to sing in the original key. We will provide your starting note if you need it.


*It's very, very important that you make bold, exciting choices and give the character a strong personality - that is much more important to us than having you sing perfectly!  

*Tell us a STORY with your song! We want to see that you can use your body, your hands and your facial expressions at the same time as you sing. (We know that may seem obvious, but we see so many 'stand-and-sing' performances!)





(Link to song HERE, start at 3:20)  


I'll be there on Monday, 9 o'clock
And we will see who walks the walk
No, no, I can't wait, I will be there at 8
When they unlock the door
Oh, oh! I'll even dress in black and white
See, I have not begun to fight
And you'll go, oh, much better and oh, much better
And soon all y'all gotta know much better
I am so much better
I am so much better
I am so much better than before!




(Link to song HERE, start at 0:30)  


Omigod, omigod, you guys
Looks like Elle's gonna win the prize
If there ever was a perfect couple
This one qualifies, omigod, you guys
Omigod, this is happening
Our own homecoming queen and king
Finally, she'll be trying on a huge engagement ring for size
Omigod, you guys, omigod




(Link to song HERE, start at 0:30)  

The Irish fear nothing and no one
They keep fightin' 'til everyone's dead
I'm not sure where this metaphor's goin'
I just felt like it had to be said
There's a guy at that party who loves you
Something most of us only dream of
You go out there and you get some Ireland
The country of whiskey and love




(Link to song HERE, start at 0:42)  

I see no end to what you'll achieve
That's only if you don't turn and run

You proved it to me
Now show everyone what you can do
And you look great in dark blue!

Get back in the game, back on the case
Take a good look at my face
I'm not a fool and as a rule I do not bond 

But I see a star, You're my new muse
You've got the best freakin' shoes!

And you lit a fuse
So go show them who's legally blonde! 
Yes, you lit a fuse so go show them who's



(Link HERE)  

Please do this while jump roping. 


Do you want an easy miracle?
Do you wanna lose a pound or two?
Then you can turn this off right now
My workout's not for you
I'm talking to the woman who wants it all
Gotta pay for what you get
'Cause size two clothes don't come to those
Too lazy to sweat

I want you whipped into shape
When I say jump, say "how high?"
You know you're doing it right
When you start to cry
If you don't look like you should
You've got to
Whip it, whip it, whip it good
I'm sorry, ladies, no escape
'Til you're whipped into shape



(Links HERE and HERE, starts at 0:30)  


We both know why we're here

I see it in your eyes

I guess, it calms my fear

To know it's not a surprise

I thought one look at you

Looking like a dream come true

Would leave me speechless

Like you always do

But now, we're wide awake

We've got some plans to make

Let's take some action, baby

So, baby, give me your hand

I've got some dreams to make true

I've got the future all planned

It's time to get serious

Time to get serious with you




(Link to song HERE, start at 58:30)  


Guess, she got a chip on her shoulder
Maybe some wise man told her
With the chance we've been given
We gotta be driven as hel
She was something to see there
I'm just happy I could be there
First big test and she aced it
She's so close, she can taste it
She got a chip on her shoulder
Guess, you never can tell
With little Miss Woods comma Elle




(Link to song HERE, start at 9:00)  


Alright then
You heard your classmate
You have just been killed
She cut your throat so grab your coat
Yes, you've got guts
But now they're spilled
Your blood's in the water
So would you please withdraw
And if you return be ready to learn
Or is that unfair? Oh, wait I don't care!
That's just how I rule in life and in school
With fear and shock and awe
You're nothing until
The thrill of the kill
Becomes your only law
Your only law
Your only law


Please audition for 2-3 characters. 
Prepare 1-2 sides for each character you're auditioning for.  



You are permitted to bring a copy of your sides in the room but we would really LOVE you to be memorized!


Please make interesting choices with your character!!!


Work on projecting loudly and articulating clearly.

PO BOX 57443 

Sherman Oaks, CA 91413


Staff is available through phone or email most hours of the day.  


10:00 AM - 6:00 PM

(818) 915-8527




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Los Angeles, California United States

© 2020 by Academy for Children's Theatre

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